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Conscious Sexuality 

Immersion & practitioner Training

Embodying the Goddess and
 Bringing back the Sacredness to Sexuality to Awaken, 
Initiate and heal

“Once upon a time sexual women ruled the world. They were independent, empowered and embodied love. Their energy flowed through every crevice of the earth with the capacity to heal and restore. These women were Sacred Prostitutes, and it’s time they were re-awakened”
Our vision is to re-awaken women to this sacredness, to their sexual empowerment and embodiment and to be the vessel of love that heals through conscious sexuality experiences.

“Once upon a time sexual women ruled the world. They were independent, empowered and embodied love. Their energy flowed through every crevice of the earth with the capacity to heal and restore. These women were Sacred Prostitutes, and it’s time they were re-awakened”
Our vision is to re-awaken women to this sacredness, to their sexual empowerment and embodiment and to be the vessel of love that heals men through offering conscious sexuality experiences.

Have you felt a calling to help people become empowered in their sexuality and supporting them to open to real intimacy?

Are you desiring to explore intimacy in a more conscious and embodied way in a way where you are able to truly honour your body and boundaries?

Do you feel called to learn more about sacred sexuality and tantric practices and how you can use them to empower yourself and the men or man in your life? 

Perhaps you sense or know that you are a healer and are desiring to offer sexual healing and coaching services to men and couples?

Have you felt a calling to help people become empowered in their sexuality and supporting them to open to real intimacy?

Are you desiring to explore intimacy in a more conscious and embodied way in a way where you are able to truly honour your body and boundaries?

Do you feel called to learn more about sacred sexuality and tantric practices and how you can use them to empower yourself and the men or man in your life?

Perhaps you sense or know that you are a healer and are desiring to offer sexual healing and coaching services to men and couples?

This is a 5 day trauma-informed in person training for women who feel the call to embody the goddess and bring sacredness to their sexuality in a way that initiates, heals and awakens men.

Followed by the Practitioner Training for Women who desire to offer this work professionally
This is a 5 days trauma-informed in person training for women who feel the call to embody the goddess and bring sacredness to their sexuality in a way that initiates, heals and awakens men.
Next Training:
22nd to 26th MAY 2023.
This is a 5 day trauma-informed in person training for women who feel the call to embody the goddess and bring sacredness to their sexuality in a way that initiates, heals and awakens men.

Followed by the Practitioner Training for Women who desire to offer this work professionally.



Conscious Sexuality Experience session frameworks and foundations that establish your power and professionality.

How to create and develop sessions and rituals incorporating different practices and games.

​Teaching men the non-goal-orientated experience of sexual pleasure.


Boundary and consent practices and games to incorporate into your sessions.

Being in touch with your own body and knowing how to initiate and set intentions and boundaries with clients to set the theme for that session.

​Understanding fully bodied “yes” and “no” and teaching your clients how to articulate their own boundaries and desires. 


Exploring the Embodiment of Archetypes such as the Dominatrix, Priestess, Queen, Mother, Seductress, Playful Brat and how to bring these archetypes into your work with clients and intimate interactions with men.

Power Exchange - How to discuss this with a client and how to create a session and a role play through exploring the polarity of archetypes and playing with props.

Evening archetype party for embodied experience with men through a witnessing circle ritual. 


Initiate this experience with a sacred undressing ritual, witnessing the Goddess through embodied dance and devotional washing of the feet.

Open his body and heart to receive through tantric breathwork and the 5 elements of touch.

Worship and honour a man like a King through a devotional lingam massage.


Understanding the benefits of prostate massage for sexual healing and opening to greater pleasure and orgasms.

How to offer and do a prostate massage to a man in a gentle sacred way.

How clients will respond and open to you and go deeper.

Hygiene and safety practices that protect both you and the client.


Understanding of masculine energy, men’s conditioning, desires and urges.

Healing your relationship with men and shifting disempowering beliefs so that you can bring more compassion and love to the men you work with men.
Understanding men’s initiation process and how your sessions can support men to go through their initiation.

Discussions of the difference between a patriarchal system and having compassion for men who are part of this system.


Exploring Tantric Consensual Domination and gently encouraging men to let go and trust and teaching them to surrender through breath, movement and the use of sensory play and using a whip and light tools such as blindfold work.

Different ways you can use your voice, touch to create a dominating energy without any physical touch. Exploration of polarity and power exchange and feeling domination/submission in the body. 

Creating a bond before you start the session and using breath to heighten the experience.

Exploring being a brat and topping from the bottom.


A session developed around the wheel of consent that supports men to give and receive touch within boundaries and consent.

Bringing a man’s awareness to his own relationship to giving and receiving.

Intention setting, eye gazing and yab yum practices.


Understanding the different trauma responses of flight, fight, freeze and fawn and how they show up in the body.

Trauma Awareness -
How in moving sexual energy you can dislodge sexual trauma. Understanding when you have gone into a trauma response and what to do when this happens. 

Self-Care - listening to your yoni (vagina) and honouring her ‘yes’, how to check in with yourself and your body and speak up in a session, preventing genital armouring and numbness through self-ritual and protective care.


The Practitioner Training is a certification includes both In-Person, Online Mentoring and content.


Identifying when you or your partner/s or clients have gone into a trauma response and what to do to help bring them back to feeling safe.

Understanding how trauma and trauma responses can impact sexual performance and sexual desire.

Exploring trauma-informed conscious sexuality and nervous system regulation practices that support you to enter into intimacy in a parasympathetic state and create safety and opening to deep lovemaking.


Supporting men to heal sexual dysfunctions including erectile problems, pornography-induced erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, inability to orgasm, sex and porn addictions.

Physiological understanding of porn and how it impacts men’s sexual health and function.

Creating sexual healing journeys and packages for men both in person and online.

Guiding somatic practices for clients to feel release and express their emotions


Access your own primal energy and guide men into their primal energy to support them to feel the freedom to express their suppressed animal side and primal desires.

How to construct a session with someone where you take on and explore primal archetypes, access healthy anger and release shame.

How to encourage men that it’s safe to reach into their inner ugh and wildness and integrate this part of themselves in a healthy way.


Learning about Men’s Process of Initiation and the importance of healing their Mother Wound so that they transition from boy psychology to man psychology.

Understanding how the Mother Wound is massively impacting men’s relationships with women and their sexuality.

Learn how to powerfully support men and take clients through the full ‘Mother Wound and Psychological Separation Initiation’.

Exploring Birth trauma and how it affects mothers and their ability to let go. Understanding how the mother wound shows up in women. 


Exporing Trauma-Informed Kink and working with trauma through movement of somatic energy

The Psychology of Submission - why alpha men want to submit and how to work with them to achieve this

Creating and Conducting Conscious Healing Role Play Scenes to work with resolving childhood experiences

Basic Skills and Demos of Impact Play - using your hand a paddle, whip, flogger, tying a knot. 


Embodying your Dominatrix and Exploring the BDSM Archetypes, voice projection, and creating your external Dom persona

Cultivating and Creating your Own Dominatrix Energy in and out of the dungeon and saying goodbye to the good girl

BDSM Session Frameworks and creating packages to work with clients in person and/or online over zoom

Navigating and Understanding the Legalities of this Work


Understanding the dark side of our psyche and identifying and bringing the shadows out to be owned, expressed, loved and seen

Creating shadow role play scenes with an intention to express and liberate the parts that have been deemed as unacceptable, not enough or unlovable

Shadow embodiment practices and games that support clients to access and embody their shadows 


How to Sell and Market a Conscious Sexuality Experience (CSE) and How to Start and Grow Your Conscious Sexuality Work

How to charge for what you offer including pricing, packages and longer journeys

Marketing and Branding - advertising your point of difference, imagery, photos and branding that aligns to your CSE service offerings.


Safety - screening process, outcalls/incalls, de-escalation of issues, phone etiquette, security.

Privacy - keeping work separate from personal life, advertising etiquette, client confidentiality and discretion

Venue and Accommodation - recommended venues to work from, how to discreetly work from private accommodation and hotels and finding worker friendly accommodation.
 here's what other women are saying about this work:
"Wow, how do you put such an amazing experience into words? I’ve walked away from the Conscious Sexual Experience training in February with far more than I ever bargained for.

Not only have I now got an awareness and an understanding of a deeper part of myself and my own sexuality, but I’ve got tools that can assist me to become a better healer than I was able to be prior to completing this course. Not to mention the connection to the most amazing women I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, in not only the participants but in Anna and EJ.

What we as women shared in that sacred space and the space that was held for each of us to dive in and feel safe enough to really experience the divine feminine within, was next level and something I’ll never ever forget. We formed a sisterhood unlike any other and for that, I have no words. Do yourself a massive favour and take some time out to do this for yourself. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it."

Miss Sapiosexual, NSW
“What can I say ... EJ and the work she does has completely changed my life! When I first met EJ I was feeling lost and confused and unsure about my purpose. Then I attended one of her retreats and during this retreat we learned Tantric Massage and how to love and understand men. I felt this calling within me to also offer this work and learning through EJ helped me believe in myself and start bringing this work into the world.

I now have my own Temple Space and I run regular Tantra Workshops, Sessions and Temple Nights as well as supporting and training other women who feel called to this work. I have so much gratitude and appreciation for this woman and all the tools she has given me to live life from my heart in a way that honours myself and others. Thank you, EJ. I love you.” 

Moon-Rose Mickie, Tantric Temple Arts Facilitator & Practitioner
"It all started when I spent a short time as a haphazard sex worker and I was watching EJ on her own sexual healing journey and then she did it: she released a sexual healing program.
Everything always happening in the perfect time: I said YES and I’ve been forever changed since that moment.

It reawakened my sexuality and gave me a way to delve deeper and continue to expand ... and as she continues in her own lifelong apprenticeship with sexuality and relationships (as we all are doing), I’ve benefited.

Eventually, thanks to EJ (and Universe) providing me the opportunity I was an assistant at one of her retreats (after being a participant and client the year prior) which gave me the courage to step into my own teacher/path.

EJ is one woman who has made an impact on me. And in doing that, I know I’ve been able to make my own impact with many people."

Priestess Vanessa - Tantra and Kink 
"Anna is helpful beyond words, insightful and creative. Anything she does, she enters with a prepared mind, cleansed soul, the best intentions and a passion for sharing her joys, battles and successes. The love she pours into her spaces and her courses is unending and I for one can’t wait to see what life changing moments this course brings for people! 

I’ll forever be grateful to Anna for consistently bringing sisters (and brothers!) together and for sharing her inspiring tales and talents instead of hiding them behind a wall built from shame and unpleasantness. Breaking down stereotypes and smashing stigmas apart, Anna is a queen made for taking people on a beautiful adventure through the arts of Sexwork and everything this type of business has to offer. Dare to Defy."

Brandi, Escort, NSW
"I transitioned into sex work around 10 months ago after a long period feeling unsatisfied with work and my future goals. It was a big step to take, due to the stigma attached to the industry.  

When I met Anna she spent a lot of quality time engaging with me and other workers and I felt she was invested in listening and trying to create a positive work environment. Her passion for the adult industry has motivated me to continue to grow professionally.  

I now feel inspired and motivated to remain in the industry as long as possible. I have attended Anna’s workshops and events where she delves into embodied consent and communication which is such a powerful tool to use in sex work - especially for me as a new worker. I hope to continue to transfer this knowledge and skills to provide the best possible experience for my wonderful clients from a wide variety of background."

Victoria Rose, Conscious Escort, Newcastle 
"I just wanted to say…yet again…how much I love and appreciate working with you. 

The ongoing support I have received from you and your team from Day 1 of my journey has been so very valuable to where I am now.

The space and training you have provided helped discover my love & passion for facilitating intimate experiences through conscious connections and healthy boundaries and I continue to learn something new at each of your workshops !!

Thank you for allowing me the space to grow, explore and fall in love with this amazing industry. I feel empowered beyond what I ever could have imagined."

Goddess Lilith xx



Conscious Sexuality Experience session frameworks and foundations that establish your power and professionality.

How to create and develop sessions and rituals incorporating different practices and games.

​Teaching men the non-goal-orientated experience of sexual pleasure.


Boundary and consent practices and games to incorporate into your sessions.

Being in touch with your own body and knowing how to initiate and set intentions and boundaries with clients to set the theme for that session.

Understanding fully bodied “yes” and “no” and teaching your clients how to articulate their own boundaries and desires. 


Exploring the Embodiment of Archetypes such as the Dominatrix, Priestess, Queen, Mother, Seductress, Playful Brat and how to bring these archetypes into your work with clients and intimate interactions with men.

Power Exchange - How to discuss this with a client and how to create a session and a role play through exploring the polarity of archetypes and playing with props.  

Evening archetype party for embodied experience with men through a witnessing circle ritual. 


Initiate this experience with a sacred undressing ritual, witnessing the Goddess through embodied dance and devotional washing of the feet.

Open his body and heart to receive through tantric breathwork and the 5 elements of touch.

Worship and honour a man like a King through a devotional lingam massage. 


Exploring Tantric Consensual Domination and gently encouraging men to let go and trust and teaching them to surrender through breath, movement and the use of sensory play and using a whip and light tools such as blindfold work.

Different ways you can use your voice, touch to create a dominating energy without any physical touch. 

Creating a bond before you start the session and using breath to heighten the experience.

Exploring being a brat and topping from the bottom.


A session developed around the wheel of consent that supports men to give and receive touch within boundaries and consent.

Bringing a man’s awareness to his own relationship to giving and receiving.

Intention setting, eye gazing and yab yum practices.


This session helps men to feel the freedom to express their primal desires, release shame and be all of them through exploring animal and beast archetypes.

How to construct a session with someone where you take on and explore primal archetypes.

Encouraging men that it’s safe to reach into their inner ugh and wildness.


Understanding the benefits of prostate massage for sexual healing and opening to greater pleasure and orgasms.

How to offer and do a prostate massage to a man in a gentle sacred way.

How clients will respond and open to you and go deeper.

Hygiene and safety practices that protect both you and the client.


Understanding of masculine energy, men’s conditioning, desires and urges.

Healing your relationship with men and shifting disempowering beliefs so that you can bring more compassion and love to the men you work with men.

Understanding men’s initiation process and how your sessions can support men to go through their initiation.

Discussions of the difference between a patriarchal system and having compassion for men who are part of this system.


Understanding the different trauma responses of flight, fight, freeze and fawn and how they show up in the body.

Trauma Awareness -
How in moving sexual energy you can dislodge sexual trauma. Understanding when you have gone into a trauma response and what to do when this happens. 

Self-Care - listening to your yoni (vagina) and honouring her ‘yes’, how to check in with yourself and your body and speak up in a session, preventing genital armouring and numbness through self-ritual and protective care.


The Practitioner Training is a certification includes both In-Person, Online Mentoring and content.


Supporting men to heal sexual dysfunctions including erectile problems, pornography-induced erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, inability to orgasm, sex and porn addictions. 

Physiological understanding of porn and how it impacts men’s sexual health and function. 

Creating sexual healing journeys and packages for men both in person and online.

Guiding somatic practices for clients to feel release and express their emotions


Identifying when you or your partner/s or clients have gone into a trauma response and what to do to help bring them back to feeling safe.

Understanding how trauma and trauma responses can impact sexual performance and sexual desire.

Exploring trauma-informed conscious sexuality and nervous system regulation practices that support you to enter into intimacy in a parasympathetic state and create safety and opening to deep lovemaking.


Access your own primal energy and guide men into their primal energy to support them to feel the freedom to express their suppressed animal side and primal desires.

How to construct a session with someone where you take on and explore primal archetypes, access healthy anger and release shame.

How to encourage men that it’s safe to reach into their inner ugh and wildness and integrate this part of themselves in a healthy way.


Learning about Men’s Process of Initiation and the importance of healing their Mother Wound so that they transition from boy psychology to man psychology.

Understanding how the Mother Wound is massively impacting men’s relationships with women and their sexuality.

Learn how to powerfully support men and take clients through the full ‘Mother Wound and Psychological Separation Initiation’.

Exploring Birth trauma and how it affects mothers and their ability to let go. Understanding how the mother wound shows up in women. 


Exporing Trauma-Informed Kink and working with trauma through movement of somatic energy

The Psychology of Submission - why alpha men want to submit and how to work with them to achieve this

Creating and Conducting Conscious Healing Role Play Scenes to work with resolving childhood experiences

Basic Skills and Demos of Impact Play - using your hand a paddle, whip, flogger, tying a knot. 


Embodying your Dominatrix and Exploring the BDSM Archetypes, voice projection, and creating your external Dom persona

Cultivating and Creating your Own Dominatrix Energy in and out of the dungeon and saying goodbye to the good girl

BDSM Session Frameworks and creating packages to work with clients in person and/or online over zoom

Navigating and Understanding the Legalities of this Work


Understanding the dark side of our psyche and identifying and bringing the shadows out to be owned, expressed, loved and seen

Creating shadow role play scenes with an intention to express and liberate the parts that have been deemed as unacceptable, not enough or unlovable

Shadow embodiment practices and games that support clients to access and embody their shadows 


How to Sell and Market a Conscious Sexuality Experience (CSE) and How to Start and Grow Your Conscious Sexuality Work 

How to charge for what you offer including pricing, packages and longer journeys

Marketing and Branding - advertising your point of difference, imagery, photos and branding that aligns to your CSE service offerings


Safety - screening process, outcalls/incalls, de-escalation of issues, phone etiquette, security.

Privacy - keeping work separate from personal life, advertising etiquette, client confidentiality and discretion

Venue and Accommodation - recommended venues to work from, how to discreetly work from private accommodation and hotels and finding worker friendly accommodation.
 here's what other women are saying about this work:
“Wow, how do you put such an amazing experience into words? I’ve walked away from the Conscious Sexual Experience training in February with far more than I ever bargained for.

Not only have I now got an awareness and an understanding of a deeper part of myself and my own sexuality, but I’ve got tools that can assist me to become a better healer than I was able to be prior to completing this course. Not to mention the connection to the most amazing women I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting in my entire life, in not only the participants but in Anna and EJ.

What we as women shared in that sacred space and the space that was held for each of us to dive in and feel safe enough to really experience the divine feminine within, was next level and something I’ll never ever forget. We formed a sisterhood unlike any other and for that, I have no words. Do yourself a massive favour and take some time out to do this for yourself. Trust me, your future self will thank you for it” 

Miss Sapiosexual, NSW
“What can I say ... EJ and the work she does has completely changed my life! When I first met EJ I was feeling lost and confused and unsure about my purpose. Then I attended one of her retreats and during this retreat we learned Tantric Massage and how to love and understand men. I felt this calling within me to also offer this work and learning through EJ helped me believe in myself and start bringing this work into the world.

I now have my own Temple Space and I run regular Tantra Workshops, Sessions and Temple Nights as well as supporting and training other women who feel called to this work. I have so much gratitude and appreciation for this woman and all the tools she has given me to live life from my heart in a way that honours myself and others. Thank you, EJ. I love you.” 

Moon-Rose Mickie, Tantric Temple Arts Facilitator & Practitioner
"It all started when I spent a short time as a haphazard sex worker and I was watching EJ on her own sexual healing journey and then she did it: she released a sexual healing program.
Everything always happening in the perfect time: I said YES and I’ve been forever changed since that moment.

It reawakened my sexuality and gave me a way to delve deeper and continue to expand ... and as she continues in her own lifelong apprenticeship with sexuality and relationships (as we all are doing), I’ve benefited.

Eventually, thanks to EJ (and Universe) providing me the opportunity I was an assistant at one of her retreats (after being a participant and client the year prior) which gave me the courage to step into my own teacher/path.

EJ is one woman who has made an impact on me. And in doing that, I know I’ve been able to make my own impact with many people."

Priestess Vanessa - Tantra and Kink 
"Anna is helpful beyond words, insightful and creative. Anything she does, she enters with a prepared mind, cleansed soul, the best intentions and a passion for sharing her joys, battles and successes. The love she pours into her spaces and her courses is unending and I for one can’t wait to see what life changing moments this course brings for people!

I’ll forever be grateful to Anna for consistently bringing sisters (and brothers!) together and for sharing her inspiring tales and talents instead of hiding them behind a wall built from shame and unpleasantness. Breaking down stereotypes and smashing stigmas apart, Anna is a queen made for taking people on a beautiful adventure through the arts of Sexwork and everything this type of business has to offer. Dare to Defy."

Brandi, Escort, NSW
"I transitioned into sex work around 10 months ago after a long period feeling unsatisfied with work and my future goals. It was a big step to take, due to the stigma attached to the industry.  

When I met Anna she spent a lot of quality time engaging with me and other workers and I felt she was invested in listening and trying to create a positive work environment. Her passion for the adult industry has motivated me to continue to grow professionally.  

I now feel inspired and motivated to remain in the industry as long as possible. I have attended Anna’s workshops and events where she delves into embodied consent and communication which is such a powerful tool to use in sex work - especially for me as a new worker. I hope to continue to transfer this knowledge and skills to provide the best possible experience for my wonderful clients from a wide variety of background."

Victoria Rose, Conscious Escort, Newcastle 
"I just wanted to say…yet again…how much I love and appreciate working with you. 

The ongoing support I have received from you and your team from Day 1 of my journey has been so very valuable to where I am now.

The space and training you have provided helped discover my love & passion for facilitating intimate experiences through conscious connections and healthy boundaries and I continue to learn something new at each of your workshops !!

Thank you for allowing me the space to grow, explore and fall in love with this amazing industry. I feel empowered beyond what I ever could have imagined."

Goddess Lilith xx

The Training is for you if:

Earlybird Bonuses

Soulgasmic Women’s Tantric Sexual Healing Program (worth $397)

Tantric Men’s Sex Mastery Program (to gift a man or lover in your life) (worth $397)

* You get a miniumum of 2 years access to these two courses if you book before midnight 10th July

  • ​​You desire to learn about conscious sexuality and tantric practice for your own growth and healing and to bring this into your personal life and intimate relationships OR
  • You have  felt a calling to work with men offering tantric practices and sexual healing and want to be supported to confidently step into offering this work OR
  • You are currently working in the sex industry and you want to be able to offer different types of services, taking your clients on a deeper healing journey and at the same time be able to fully honour your body and boundaries OR
  • ​All of the Above


Earlybird Bonuses

Soulgasmic Women’s Tantric Sexual Healing Program (worth $397)

Tantric Men’s Sex Mastery Program (to gift a man or lover in your life) (worth $397)

* You get a miniumum of 2 years access to these two courses if you book before midnight 10th July

  • You desire to learn about conscious sexuality and tantric practice for your own growth and healing and to bring this into your personal life and intimate relationships OR
  • You have felt a calling to work with men offering tantric practices and sexual healing and want to be supported to confidently step into offering this work OR
  • ​You are currently working in the sex industry and you want to be able to offer different types of services, taking your clients on a deeper healing journey and at the same time be able to fully honour your body and boundaries OR
  • ​All of the Above


Inclusions for 5-Day Immersion Only:

  • 5 Days and 3 Evenings of in person training
  • Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea  
  • Support & Integration via 2 x weekly Zoom Calls after the training
  • Deep Intimacy Playbook

Inclusions for In-Person Immersion Only: (Dates TBA)

  • 5 Days and 3 Evenings of in person training
  • Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea  
  • Support & Integration via 2 x Zoom Calls after the training
  • Deep Intimacy Playbook

Inclusions for Full Practitioner Training

* This is for the Women who choosing to Be Practitioners who will continue working with us online

  •  Conscious Sexuality Experience - 5 Day In-Person Immersion 
  • ​Access to Men's Sex Mastery Program for your own professional knowledge
  • Online Live Support of 2 x Zoom Calls per month where you'll receive Coaching, Questions and Support for Professional Practice, Connecting with other Practitioners
  • ​Private Facebook Group with Practitioners who have done this training to be able to have continued community and support
  • ​Opportunities to Receive Referral and Affiliate Fees for our Programs and Future Trainings
  • ​Online ​Access to Videos & Demo's of Rituals and Practices that you can refer back to whenever you need to


Inclusions For In-Person Immersion Only: (Dates TBA)

- 5 Days and 3 Evenings of in person training

- Lunch, Morning and Afternoon Tea

- Support & Integration via 2 x weekly Zoom Calls after the training

- Deep Intimacy Playbook

Inclusions For Full Practitioner Training

* This is for the Women who choosing to Be Practitioners who will continue working with us online

- Conscious Sexuality Experience - 5 Day In-Person Immersion

- Access to Men's Sex Mastery Program for your own professional knowledge

- Online Live Support of 2 x Zoom Calls per month where you'll receive Coaching, Questions and Support for Professional Practice, Connecting with other Practitioners

- Private Facebook Group with Practitioners who have done this training to be able to have continued community and support

- Opportunities to Receive Referral and Affiliate Fees for our Programs and Future trainings

Online ​Access to Videos & Demo's of Rituals and Practices that you can refer back to whenever you need to


earLYbird Til 15th DEC 2023
*A Payment Plan Is Available Starting From $200 Per Fortnight depending on which one you choose.
We also work with a finance company if you need a longer payment plan.


Investment for 9-month practitioner training:

earLYbird TIL 30th JAN 2024
*A Payment Plan Is Available Starting From $550 Per Month. We also work with a finance company if you need a longer payment plan.

Investment for ONLINE 9-MONTH 
practitioner training:

earLYbird TIL 20TH OCT
*A Payment Plan Is Available Starting From $550 Per Month


until 30th April
*A Payment Plan Is Available Starting From $200 Per Fortnight
*A Payment Plan Is Available Starting From $200 Per Fortnight


If you are interested in the immersion or practitioner training and/or have more questions the next step is to apply below. We will discuss the practitioner training options have we have different packages. There are payment plans available.

Once you have applied we will contact you by text or email to let you know if you have been accepted with either the link to register directly and/or if we need to have a call with you we will send you a link to book in a time to chat with us.

Please feel free to reach out to us on facebook, instagram or by email at if you have any questions before applying.


If you are interested in the immersion or practitioner training and/or have more questions the next step is to apply below. We will discuss the practitioner training options have we have different packages. There are payment plans available.

When you apply you'll book in a call with us. There is no pressure for you to invest straight away this is simply a call to make ensure that you are the right fit for the training.

Please feel free to reach out to us on facebook, instagram or by email at if you have any questions before applying.



Hi, I'm Emmajane (EJ for short). I began my journey into sexuality work in 2010 when I started working as an escort.  At this time I had already lived a fairly adventurous sex life having been a swinger, running my own adult parties and talking about sex on the daily with people from all walks of life.  

However, it wasn't until 2013 when I first discovered Tantra that I realised I had so much more to learn. I discovered there was a whole new world out there for me to explore - the world of Conscious Sexuality! 

It was like a huge lightbulb went off in my head and I knew that this was "the thing I had been looking for".  I became obsessed with learning as much as I could so I could embody this in myself and bring this work to my clients and work in a way that felt honouring for my body and boundaries.  

Over many years of facilitating thousands of 1:1 sessions I developed numerous rituals and practices that had profound results with the healing my clients were receiving.  I just knew that this work had to be shared and I wanted all women to know about this!  

So in 2016 I began teaching this work to other women and training other escorts and sexuality workers to bring this work to their clients. 

CSE is essentially the training that I wish I had back when I started learning, it is my gift and honour to share this work and see it ripple out into the world through the women who choose to be initiated into it.  

If you would like to learn more about conscious sexuality you can hear me share more in depth on my podcast - Conscious Sex with EJ Love 


Anna has been involved in the adult industry for over 40 years starting out as sex worker she became a highly successful escort and dominatrix and then went on to brothel management and ownership. She now owns a club that is devoted to the exploration of conscious sexuality, the first of its kind in Australia.

She knows first hand that sexuality work is a profession that brings about profound healing to both the worker and their clients. Her vision is to completely revolutionise the sex industry by teaching women conscious sexuality and embodiment and providing spaces they can safely and professionally offer their work.

She has been an advisor to health department officials over two pandemics and has worked with governments to bring about legal changes around the industry. She also has degrees in law, psychology and sexual health as well as being trained in trauma and BDSM.



Hi, I'm Emmajane (EJ for short). I began my journey into sexuality work in 2010 when I started working as an escort. At this time I had already lived a fairly adventurous sex life having been a swinger, running my own adult parties and talking about sex on the daily with people from all walks of life.

However, it wasn't until 2013 when I first discovered Tantra that I realised I had so much more to learn. I discovered there was a whole new world out there for me to explore - the world of Conscious Sexuality!

It was like a huge lightbulb went off in my head and I knew that this was "the thing I had been looking for". I became obsessed with learning as much as I could so I could embody this in myself and bring this work to my clients and work in a way that felt honouring for my body and boundaries.

Over many years of facilitating thousands of 1:1 sessions I developed numerous rituals and practices that had profound results with the healing my clients were receiving. I just knew that this work had to be shared and I wanted all women to know about this!

So in 2016 I began teaching this work to other women and training other escorts and sexuality workers to bring this work to their clients.
CSE is essentially the training that I wish I had back when I started learning, it is my gift and honour to share this work and see it ripple out into the world through the women who choose to be initiated into it.

If you would like to learn more about conscious sexuality you can hear me share more in depth on my podcast - Conscious Sex with EJ Love


Anna has been involved in the adult industry for over 40 years starting out as sex worker she became a highly successful escort and dominatrix and then went on to brothel management and ownership. She now owns a club that is devoted to the exploration of conscious sexuality, the first of its kind in Australia.

She knows first hand that sexuality work is a profession that brings about profound healing to both the worker and their clients. Her vision is to completely revolutionise the sex industry by teaching women conscious sexuality and embodiment and providing spaces they can safely and professionally offer their work.

She has been an advisor to health department officials over two pandemics and has worked with governments to bring about legal changes around the industry. She also has degrees in law, psychology and sexual health as well as being trained in trauma and BDSM.


When Does the Training Start and Finish? 

Dates are TBA for the 5-Day Immersion; our days begin at 9:30 am and run through until 6 pm or 9 pm, depending on the day and what we have planned.

If you are choosing to do our Full Practitioner Training, you have the option to join us for a second Immersion in August.

* Please note that this second Immersion is based on Conscious Kink and is for those choosing to step into offering this work. When you have a call with us, we will discuss the options available to you so we can help you make the best decision for you.

I don't want to be a Practitioner, can I still do the training for myself? 

Yes, absolutely. You have the option to just sign up for the Immersion only, which does not include the Practitioner Training. We have many women applying who just want to do this training for themselves, for their own healing and growth journey. If this is you, then we invite you to apply!

Can I sign up for the Immersion and then decide if I want to do the Practitioner Training?

 Yes, you will have the option to choose to do the Practitioner Training after the immersion. However, it may be a higher investment if you choose to do it after the Immersion.

Does this Training require me to be nude or doing any sexual practices? 

No, none of the practices require you to take off your clothes. However, if you have a preference to take off some clothing to be more comfortable or feel freer in your body then that is welcomed. The only physical intimate practice is Lingam Massage for a man. 

We will have men coming into the space for one evening who are going to be our demo bodies to practice on. However, this is absolutely optional, and if you would prefer not to do this then you are welcome to be in the role of a witness. If you are however choosing to do this professionally then we will need to see and witness to you doing this ritual so that we can certify you.

We take boundaries and consent very seriously so just know that you will always have an option whether to participate or not, and we will always honor "no" if you choose not to participate in a practice.

Do I have to be a certain age or look to be able to do this work professionally?

Your career in this work need NOT have any restrictions based on your age or your look. The training will enable you to transcend any perceived age limitations and body concerns as you connect with your inner essence. We have women apply for this training who come from all different walks of life and are all different ages and body types. If anything we find that this training helps women to feel even more confident in who they are and what they offer.

You must however be 18 years old to attend this training and to offer this work to clients. 

I really want to do this, but can't afford it...

We hear you, which is why we have done our best to make this as affordable as possible whilst also honouring our time, energy and expertise. This will be a deep container and requires a lot of energy and support to hold it and we need to be able to honour that so that we can really offer you the best possible training and support.

We have added an afforfable payment plan that start at $200 per fortnight, however if you need an extended payment please still apply and we'll see what we can work out for you.

For those that are doing the training to offer this work professionally then we will be supporting you to step into doing this work and this would support you to be able to pay off the training. However, we cannot make any guarantees as it really comes down to your ability and willingness to follow our guidance. 

I can't make this training, will there be another one? 

Yes, we will be running another training with dates to be confirmed.

Do you offer accommodation?

ACCOMMODATIONS ARE BOOKED OUT. Yes, we have limited rooms on site that are $500 for 6 nights. If we are already sold out then we can recommend using AirBnb and there are plenty of motels and other accommodations closeby to the venue.

Refund Policy

If you change your mind within 3 days of registering for the training then we will give you a refund of your deposit or for the full amount that you have paid.

After the 3 days, if you can no longer make the training for a vaild reason then the funds you have paid can be credited to a future training or another service.

You can also transfer your place and any remaining payments to someone else. It is your responsibility to find and organise the person you are transferring your place and payments to and they will also have to go through the application process and be approved by us before we confirm the transfer. 

I have more Questions before Applying, how do I contact you? 

If you have any further questions before applying or need more information please email us at or message EJ on Instagram or facebook.


If you are interested in the training and/or have more questions the next step is to apply below. 

investment option

An exclusive 6-month container for growth committed women who want to experience deep intimacy and intimate fulfillment.


VIP includes 6 x 1:1 Sessions
(to be used within the 6 months)

Copyright 2023 Ej Love